Hey mates! Good day! Life is short... We all need help... As they say, no man is an island. It may be a difficult road ahead of us but this is place that can help you.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Steam Summer Camp Sale!
It's summer time! (Or at least in some part of the world) And everybody is at the beach, under the sun or everywhere else. Since everyone is having fun, Valve decided to make it even more fun with a huge summer sale with some games even at 50% off!
Go to their site right now and go buy some cool stuff! They have some really cool games on sale right now but the ones that really caught my attention was Elder Scrolls: Oblivion at $8.50 and Borderlands at $7.50! Those are two amazing games at insanely awesome prices!
Don't let them slip by your fingers! Buy them now!
Team Fortress 2 - FREE FOREVER!
I would advise you to go to steam now and download the game... Play to your heart's content! :)
See yah later guys! :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
E3 - The Largest Gaming Convention of All Time.
E3 2011: Playstation Vita Sizzle Reel
So far, these have really caught my attention. Although there are a lot more stuff out there that's been causing a buzz in my head but I'll get to that when everything sizzles down and I stop drooling over these awesome things!
Monday, May 16, 2011
So... How was it? - Thor
So, here we go! Let's do this! This is a new segment on my blog and It's basically a review of different stuff. It could be movies or games or whatever. So, to kick things off I'll be stating my thoughts, opinions and crazy antics about the movie Thor.
As a kid, I was a fan of superheroes and hammers... Er, Thunderous Shiny Hammers of Doom that is. I wasn't much of a comic book guy because comic books weren't really available to me but I still do have a fair share of heroes with superpowers who beat the evil guy and destroy stuff in the process.
Thor was a pretty cool movie to be honest. Although not completely original it still played out well for me. It is a good versus evil type of film but the evil part is something a little new. If you know about mythology you would know that Loki, Thor's brother, well... sort of, is not the type of villain in the movies and stories that we all love and remember. I don't really think anyone would go "Kick his ass Thor!". He resembles a villain, the bad guy, in a more personal and sympathetic manner. We can't really just go out there and want him gone. He gets to play around with us and how we think of him. I found that to be a very compound and cool part of the film.
Personally, I don't rate films on how good or bad they are, if that makes any sense. I rate a film on how it struck me and how I perceived it or sort of wanted it to be. Thor has a mix of humor, action and adventure in it just like probably 60% of the movies in past 10 or so years. Even though it's a good versus evil flick it showed... uniqueness. I think it took the story and mythology of Thor and made it a very appealing and modern story especially for the viewers of today.
I thought the sounds and visuals were great, although I may be biased especially since I watched that movie in 3D and I really need to let this out. Since it was 3D, the movie had a certain scene that scarred me for life. When it was at this part of the movie:
I cringed. Because his nipples were just plain and blatantly talking smack to me. It was a very hard time for me. Those few moments almost destroyed me. But with the aid of Popcorn and some nice Tea, I managed to hold it together and pull through the rest of the movie.
Oh, what's that? You're thanking me? For what? Oh, because I showed you a picture of shirtless muscularity? Well, you're welcome ladies!
Wait, what? Guys? You're complaining because I gave the ladies some eye-candy? Okay... okay... Gimme a sec...
Okay! There's Natalie Portman! She was in the movie... right?
Anyway, all jokes aside. Thor was fun and it had a lot of eye-candy. Overall, it's a very fun movie and definitely something that you would want to watch if you were out with a bunch friends on a cool Friday night or with your family after Church on Sundays. But if you're looking for a deep, indulging and challenging experience, you shouldn't have your hopes too high or else, you'll crash... and burn.
On the Record
Thor was...
- Fun but light-hearted
- Great Eye and Ear candy
- Enjoyable but not Hardcore
Overall, it was a pretty good film and since I had a great time with it, I am gonna give it an 8/10 just because of Chris Hemsworth's nipples and Kat Dennings.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Brink - It's out and about!
Get ready for some Parkour and gun murder in the new game Brink! I don't really know how to elaborate on this at the moment but expect some more of Brink in the near future. All I can say for now is that Brink is gonna be new, it's gonna be fresh and it will not hurt to try it out!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Game On! - New Xbox console? and Mass Effect 3 delayed :(
May 7, 2011
May 7, 2011
Xbox 720? New console! There are rumors about a new and upcoming Xbox. Develop Magazine stated that EA already has a prototype version of the new console and we have a chance to see it in 2012 or 2013.
Not much info yet on this story but just the possibility of a better and more beastly Xbox just makes everybody happy in and out of the pants.
Mass Effect 3 has been delayed into 2012! I know, I know. Delay anything not just Mass Effect! It has been confirmed that Mass Effect 3 has been delayed into the next year but there is still a possibility that it'll be on E3.
2012 really seems to be a long time especially since Mass Effect 3 could have more of Miranda.
Or maybe a new Miranda? Anything is possible as long as the controller is in your hands!
Hunted - Forging a World Trailer
Brink - Get SMART Battlefield Trailer
Rage - The Shrouded Gameplay Trailer
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
On the down low! - Osama Bin Laden Dead and The True Heroes
Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead - Osama Bin Laden, one of the if not the most powerful terrorist leader of all time has been confirmed dead. Osama was killed in his residential compound in Pakistan by the United States Navy SEALs along with CIA paramilitary forces. May 1 was a huge day for world history. The largest terrorist leader of our generation was killed.
Of course, this does not mean the end of terrorism, not by a long shot. I've always thought that Bin Laden was a smart ruler, not through good ways but a smart ruler indeed. While under his command, Al Qaeda grew in number and in strength and in a way, I fear that his death may start a riot. He kept his forces calm and obedient but now without anyone to keep them on their toes I fear that the worse is still to come. In a way, Osama held off all-out war and conserved what they had but now I fear that the recent events may lead to something devastating. His forces could be raging right at this very moment. They're disoriented and only have one thing in mind, to strike back. Nobody is gonna stop them now and I think such a huge blow to their stature like that had given them a sense that they have nothing to live for and they are more fearless than ever and there is no doubt in their hearts that they will draw blood... somehow.
I know this is a very historic day and I thank and honor the people that serve their country, the military forces. A lot of credit goes to the political leaders and military commanders but I give the credit and the honor o the actual soldiers that were in Pakistan fighting for their lives in great danger and peril in the battlefield but still maintaining composure and coolness in the fight while accomplishing their objective and leaving Pakistan a success.
These are the people who risk their all every day while the people at home stroll through huge supermarket halls, never starving and never tired, while those people give their all in the name of their country. They are the heroes.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
On the down low! - Gadhafi's son dead and Royal Wedding = Stupid hats?
Sunday! May Uno of 2011 and this is... What's on the down low!
Gadhafi's son dead - Libyan officials have confirmed that Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Arab Gadhafi, has been killed in a NATO missile strike in Tripoli, Libya. NATO's attack was actually at Gadhafi family compound in a residential area in Tripoli, Libya. Moammar's son and three of his grandchildren was killed in the missile strike.
Nato Strike kills Gadhafi's son - ( http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ml_libya )
Royal Wedding = Stupid Hats? - April 29, 2011... The Royal wedding... Kate and William got married and the world was cheering them on. Okay, we've all seen this in the movies and in the cartoons and it just makes me laugh so hard to actually experience this. Really? I know it's a formal event and everything and you need to look nice and unique but this is just ridiculous! I mean c'mon really!? Sweet mother of jonah! It looks so awkward and... Geez... I think the picture itself speaks for it anyways...
Royal wedding fashion mishaps - ( http://royalwedding.yahoo.com/blogs/beatrice-and-eugenie-arrive-at-royal-wedding-7858 )
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Brain Train! - Money, money, money...
Money, money, money...
Our society and humanity is all about life and living. People all over the planet dream for one thing, freedom. A person cannot live freely without at least one person judging him or her based on their financial status.
We started off with sticks and stones, we lived in caves, hunted wildlife for food and stayed put with necessities alone but now we live in skyscrapers, use technology to substitute machinery for manpower and overwhelm ourselves with stuff that we want and not really need. Progress is what they call it, Desecration is what I see.
Our world, our lives is all about money. People fight over money, families get broken over money, friendships are destroyed over money, whatever you say, you are a fool for thinking that our lives today is not about money. Well, you're right about one thing, it shouldn't be about money. Ask people right now and they'll tell you that all of the things that humanity has accomplished is progress, technology is progress, landing on the moon is progress, 40 story buildings are progress, money... is progress.
Well, they're right, to a certain extent but completely wrong the rest of the way. Our system of economy has certainly brought humanity to greater heights but the silent assassin that has been staling our every move and listening to very sound we make is still here and it's getting stronger by the minute. We have failed to realize that the foundation of life that we have continue to build and protect is acting like a poison, slowly killing us and eventually bringing us to brink of extinction.
Our lives are dominated with the thing that we work for and we fail to understand what we really need to value. I hope it is not too late, I hope that we may undo what we have done but for us to succeed at fixing everything that we have damaged, we need to understand that we have damaged our lives. We have failed.
Humanity needs to realize that our life shouldn't be like what it currently is. People need to open their eyes and see the true stature of reality. How can we sleep at night knowing that our children are gonna be living the same lives that we are right now, the next generation. This is not the life that they deserve to realize. We need to start working to change our ways and make things right.
I know that this article didn't really have a certain answer for the question - What is wrong with the current status of out lives? - Well, if you still don't know what is slowly consuming us or you don't know what it exactly is then you're living proof of what I'm stating.
We need to renew the flow of our lives. We are so high up that we are unable to detect what is pulling us below deeper and deeper. We have made our lives our very own grave.
We have deprived ourselves of the things that made us human in the first place. Our unity. We have grown weary and apart.
Our society and humanity is all about life and living. People all over the planet dream for one thing, freedom. A person cannot live freely without at least one person judging him or her based on their financial status.
We started off with sticks and stones, we lived in caves, hunted wildlife for food and stayed put with necessities alone but now we live in skyscrapers, use technology to substitute machinery for manpower and overwhelm ourselves with stuff that we want and not really need. Progress is what they call it, Desecration is what I see.
Our world, our lives is all about money. People fight over money, families get broken over money, friendships are destroyed over money, whatever you say, you are a fool for thinking that our lives today is not about money. Well, you're right about one thing, it shouldn't be about money. Ask people right now and they'll tell you that all of the things that humanity has accomplished is progress, technology is progress, landing on the moon is progress, 40 story buildings are progress, money... is progress.
Well, they're right, to a certain extent but completely wrong the rest of the way. Our system of economy has certainly brought humanity to greater heights but the silent assassin that has been staling our every move and listening to very sound we make is still here and it's getting stronger by the minute. We have failed to realize that the foundation of life that we have continue to build and protect is acting like a poison, slowly killing us and eventually bringing us to brink of extinction.
Our lives are dominated with the thing that we work for and we fail to understand what we really need to value. I hope it is not too late, I hope that we may undo what we have done but for us to succeed at fixing everything that we have damaged, we need to understand that we have damaged our lives. We have failed.
Humanity needs to realize that our life shouldn't be like what it currently is. People need to open their eyes and see the true stature of reality. How can we sleep at night knowing that our children are gonna be living the same lives that we are right now, the next generation. This is not the life that they deserve to realize. We need to start working to change our ways and make things right.
I know that this article didn't really have a certain answer for the question - What is wrong with the current status of out lives? - Well, if you still don't know what is slowly consuming us or you don't know what it exactly is then you're living proof of what I'm stating.
We need to renew the flow of our lives. We are so high up that we are unable to detect what is pulling us below deeper and deeper. We have made our lives our very own grave.
We have deprived ourselves of the things that made us human in the first place. Our unity. We have grown weary and apart.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
PSN down and out!
The PlayStation Network has been out for a couple of days now and it's still out. It's been a little crazy how bad everything is going for the PSN right now. It may have been hackers and if it were hackers than the damage dealt is said to be so big that the information of PSN account holders such as address, by address I mean everything and when I say everything I mean down to the very street and house that you live in. Names, age, gender and so much more info has been stolen and one of the biggest things is credit card number. They are working on it and they promise their customers a refund and probably even a free item or a discount once the Network is back and running.
That's hell of a lot of bad news and I hope everything gets better and no one get's their belongings or identity stolen from them. Sheesh! Hackers have been gobbling up everything. Since the Geohot crisis with Sony, hackers have actually waged war with Sony and well, that's not good.
PSN down - ( http://uk.playstation.com/psn/news/articles/detail/item369506/Update-on-PSN-service-outages/ )
Monday, April 25, 2011
Nintendo has officially confirmed that they are working on a successor for the Wii
Nintendo has had a lot of success with their consoles and now they are working on a new one the Wii 2. Some call it Project Cafe and other call it FANdango. Whatever it is, Nintendo has promised us the it will be in E3, playable and more information about the console will be released in the future. The Nintendo Wii has sold over 80 million units (Dang, Nintendo is LOADED!) and the newly-released 3DS has sold 3.6 million units. Nintendo has definitely made a name for itself on making and getting phat on money off consoles and the Wii 2 or whatever it's called will and is certainly causing a buzz.
Nintendo has had a lot of success with their consoles and now they are working on a new one the Wii 2. Some call it Project Cafe and other call it FANdango. Whatever it is, Nintendo has promised us the it will be in E3, playable and more information about the console will be released in the future. The Nintendo Wii has sold over 80 million units (Dang, Nintendo is LOADED!) and the newly-released 3DS has sold 3.6 million units. Nintendo has definitely made a name for itself on making and getting phat on money off consoles and the Wii 2 or whatever it's called will and is certainly causing a buzz.
This is one of the many photos that are out there in the web and if this is really what it is than it is gonna be epic. This just looks amazing, my imagination is just full of stuff to what this system really is and how diverse and fun it can really be. Just by the look of this photos, I'm excited and thrilled. It looks sexy.
Get your credit cards out:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Game On!
This segment is all about video games! I'll be doing this once or twice a week for now because I'm still starting but I'll work up as WE progress through.
First things up, GAMING NEWS!
LEAKAGE! A DLC for Fallout: New Vegas, which is of course, one of the biggest, quest-based, free-roam sort of games of all time. It's known for how goddarn big the game is, over 200 hours of gameplay to finish the entire game. Bethesda is working on a DLC named "Honest Hearts" and well, let's just say that there was a leak in the system. Looks like BP is contagious.
Fallout: New Vegas DLC Leakage - ( http://scrawlfx.com/2011/04/fallout-new-vegas-honest-hearts-dlc-leaked )
DS LITE! What DS Lite? Nintendo has now confirmed that production of the DS Lite has now ceased since sales have ceased as well. The Hood's Thoughts: Well, they brought this damnation amongst themselves for releasing a bloody new gadget every goddarn year! They overwhelm each system with the next system that's gonna be coming out. Let's just hope that the Wii 2.0 will be good.
DS Lite production halted - ( http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/04/22/ds-lite-production-has-discontinued.aspx )
PSN downage!? The PSN or otherwise known as the PlayStation Network has been down for maintenance for a day and is still down for maintenance to this minute. Any programs that might be associated with this network may experience some difficulty logging in or even viewing the program, such programs include netflix, the PlayStation Network and more.
PSN down for maintenance - ( http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/712042/playstation-network-down-may-be-out-for-a-day-or-two/ )
Mass Effect 3 Debut Trailer
L.A. Noire Trailer
This segment is all about video games! I'll be doing this once or twice a week for now because I'm still starting but I'll work up as WE progress through.
First things up, GAMING NEWS!
LEAKAGE! A DLC for Fallout: New Vegas, which is of course, one of the biggest, quest-based, free-roam sort of games of all time. It's known for how goddarn big the game is, over 200 hours of gameplay to finish the entire game. Bethesda is working on a DLC named "Honest Hearts" and well, let's just say that there was a leak in the system. Looks like BP is contagious.
Fallout: New Vegas DLC Leakage - ( http://scrawlfx.com/2011/04/fallout-new-vegas-honest-hearts-dlc-leaked )
DS LITE! What DS Lite? Nintendo has now confirmed that production of the DS Lite has now ceased since sales have ceased as well. The Hood's Thoughts: Well, they brought this damnation amongst themselves for releasing a bloody new gadget every goddarn year! They overwhelm each system with the next system that's gonna be coming out. Let's just hope that the Wii 2.0 will be good.
DS Lite production halted - ( http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/04/22/ds-lite-production-has-discontinued.aspx )
PSN downage!? The PSN or otherwise known as the PlayStation Network has been down for maintenance for a day and is still down for maintenance to this minute. Any programs that might be associated with this network may experience some difficulty logging in or even viewing the program, such programs include netflix, the PlayStation Network and more.
PSN down for maintenance - ( http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/712042/playstation-network-down-may-be-out-for-a-day-or-two/ )
Mass Effect 3 Debut Trailer
L.A. Noire Trailer
Prototype 2 Development Diary
F.E.A.R. Trailer
Don't forget the EPIC GAMING STUFF!
AWESOME Mortal Kombat Web Series! I myself watch this web series and I love it! It's got JERI RYAN in it! Who can complain!
MK Web Series - ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s6UiEuCYXA&feature=fvwkrel )
AWESOME Mortal Kombat Web Series! I myself watch this web series and I love it! It's got JERI RYAN in it! Who can complain!
MK Web Series - ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s6UiEuCYXA&feature=fvwkrel )
Keep it in your pants and the controller in your hands! :)
This is THE HOOD saying "It ain't over until the game is over!"
This is THE HOOD saying "It ain't over until the game is over!"
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Stuff you might want to check out!
Anno 2070 Trailer
Hunted: The Demons Forge Crucible Trailer
Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation DLC
The so-called "King of all Shooters" is coming! Yes, Duke Nukem: Forever finally has a release date and it's on June 14, 2011. A lot of hype has been raging because of this game. The very first Duke Nukem game was about 14 years ago and the fans of the previous game are expecting a lot out of this game especially because it took them 14 freaking years to make it! The game is expected to be at $50 and remember June 14, 2011.
There is also a special "Balls of Steel Edition" which comes with, and I quote:
- Collectible bust of the greatest alien ass-kicker of all Time
- Numbered limited edition certificate of authenticity
- 100 page Hardcover books: History, Legacy & Legend and Duke Nukem Forever Art from the Vault
- Duke Nukem Forever postcard series
- Duke Nukem Forever radioactive emblem sticker
Pre-order Duke Nukem Forever now! - ( http://www.amazon.com/Duke-Nukem-Forever-Xbox-360/dp/B002I0HAC6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1303378550&sr=8-1 )
Duke Nukem Forever Official Website - ( http://www.dukenukemforever.com )
The Hood's Verdict!
The Patapon franchise has probably been one of the most, if not the most, successful franchise on the PSP system. Patapon 1 and 2 were given the honor as "PSP Game of the Year" by countless gaming authorities and Patapon 3 is definitely up for the running. It brings that catchy music and frantic gameplay back to the PSP and even better.
PROS (+)
1. Multiplayer. Patapon 3 gives us the chance to play with other people through the internet our with our friends and it is fantastic. You group up with up to 4 different players and band together to take on bosses with your Uberhero or battle against each other with rhythmic battle. Overall, the multiplayer system in Patapon 3 is a fresh new addition to the franchise and one of the greatest revolutions for the PSP system.
2. Looks, Sounds and Gameplay. Patapon 3 looks, sounds and plays great. In a 2D frame with lush, vibrant and beautiful colors, effects and the patapon themselves, this game will force you to play it and you'll have lots of fun. It brings back the old gameplay but now you don't have a huge cluster of patapon but just 5 soldiers, your Hatapon, Uberhero and three other soldiers. You still use the d-pad for the drums and still same game mechanics but with so much more new content.
3. So much MORE content. The game gives you so much new content! There's a store now, the amazing multiplayer, compelling story - since you're no longer a god but an Uberhero you're compelled to care about your squad because you're a part of them and not just a deity in the skies. Overall, lots of new stuff that blends well with the irreplaceable mechanics that it used to have and still do.
CONS (-)
1. GRINDING. Grinding to make your Uberhero and patapon squad is a hell of a lot of time and effort. It can easily bore you to go through all of the same levels and keep repeating them hoping for good items from the chests and leveling up your squad.
2. TOO MANY TO COMPREHEND!! For fans of the franchise, the gameplay is a dream but for new players it can be a little overwhelming due to the sheer amount of content in the game - leveling up your squad, changing the skill sets, leveling up your items, making a good squad for each mission, customizing everything for anything - it can be really big for nwebies.
3. Still Exclusive to the PSP. I'm not complaining that this game is on the PSP but I'm complaining that IT'S ONLY ON THE PSP. I love this game and this franchise and I think it's amazing but I hate to see it go to waste a little bit because it is not exposed to as many people as it could be. There's so much potential to what this game could be and how big it could get but since it's only on the PSP, which, I'll be honest is actually a terrible gaming system, it's not out there too much.
Presentation - 8
Graphics - 8.5
Sound - 9.5
Gameplay - 9
The Hood's Natural Vibe to the game - 8.5
Great deals for Patapon 3 - ( http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Patapon+3&x=0&y=0 )
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Brain Train!
"Pro-Life" ?
This is gonna be another segment of my blog where I talk about a particular matter that's currently making a buzz in our lives. This is where I would love for you guys to comment and state what you think, well, I would want you guys to comment on every post I make but emphasis on this segment because my goal for starting this segment of my blog was to start getting people to actually think and analyze current events on the freakin' planet and ultimately send out the right mindset for that particular matter. In three words, INTRODUCE, DEBATE and CORRECT.
For our very first topic, I would like to talk to you guys about PRO-LIFE. Recently there were these people, particularly in the Philippines, who were happy to see our country flourish and grow in population which is basically more freakin' mouths to feed. As of today, the Philippines' population is over 100 MILLION. That is a staggering number considering a country that's barely bigger than Florida.
It's not a secret anymore that the Philippines is one of the poorest countries on the planet and it has the most corrupt government in Asia. Right now, only a very small percent of Filipinos actually get to live a comfortable life, lots of them struggle and even more of them practically have no life at all! The country's environment has gone to hell! The animal welfare is - wait, what animal welfare!? The country who was once a leader of rice exports in Asia is now importing rice from other countries!
What does this tell you? What quality of life have we got to offer for most of our people? If you are really "PRO-LIFE" then you should nurture and take care of life, not watch it grow and foolishly think it's getting better when it's full of itself.
If you really care about "LIFE" than you should be smart and bold enough to know and do what is right cause adding more children to this country will only make it all worse. What we need to do is get everything in tact and everyone in proper communication with one another.
How could you call yourselves warriors and guardians of "LIFE" if you can't even see what's biting you in the arse.
This is gonna be another segment of my blog where I talk about a particular matter that's currently making a buzz in our lives. This is where I would love for you guys to comment and state what you think, well, I would want you guys to comment on every post I make but emphasis on this segment because my goal for starting this segment of my blog was to start getting people to actually think and analyze current events on the freakin' planet and ultimately send out the right mindset for that particular matter. In three words, INTRODUCE, DEBATE and CORRECT.
For our very first topic, I would like to talk to you guys about PRO-LIFE. Recently there were these people, particularly in the Philippines, who were happy to see our country flourish and grow in population which is basically more freakin' mouths to feed. As of today, the Philippines' population is over 100 MILLION. That is a staggering number considering a country that's barely bigger than Florida.
It's not a secret anymore that the Philippines is one of the poorest countries on the planet and it has the most corrupt government in Asia. Right now, only a very small percent of Filipinos actually get to live a comfortable life, lots of them struggle and even more of them practically have no life at all! The country's environment has gone to hell! The animal welfare is - wait, what animal welfare!? The country who was once a leader of rice exports in Asia is now importing rice from other countries!
What does this tell you? What quality of life have we got to offer for most of our people? If you are really "PRO-LIFE" then you should nurture and take care of life, not watch it grow and foolishly think it's getting better when it's full of itself.
If you really care about "LIFE" than you should be smart and bold enough to know and do what is right cause adding more children to this country will only make it all worse. What we need to do is get everything in tact and everyone in proper communication with one another.
How could you call yourselves warriors and guardians of "LIFE" if you can't even see what's biting you in the arse.
Game On!
This segment is all about video games! I'll be doing this once or twice a week for now because I'm still starting but I'll work up as WE progress through.
First things up, GAMING NEWS!
The PSP GO is now GOne! Sony has officially declared that they have stopped the production of the PSP GO due to it's, shall we say, unsuccessful venture into the "Gadget Kingdom", if you will. When it was released, the PSP GO was at a pricey $250 dollars! It was released on October 1, 2009 and only lived for about a year and a half.
PSP GO - GOne!? - ( http://kotaku.com/#!5793411/is-the-pspgo-out-of-production )
Portal 2! The long-awaited sequel to the very first Portal game released by Valve is now out and it is currently facing a lot of HATE. That's just makes me sad. I think portal 2 is great. The humor is amazing and it gives you that mind-bending, puzzle solving game that it used to but way better! Plus CO-op! Along with stellar voice-acting and script writting. Portal 2 is now out for $50, specifically, on steam.
Portal 2's official website - ( http://www.thinkwithportals.com )
The hate on Portal 2 - ( http://blog.machinima.com/insidegaming/2011/04/19/some-sippin-portal-2-haterade/ )
FATALITY! Mortal Kombat is out and it brings that bloody fighting mechanics and characters to our consoles. Mortal Kombat is that old fighting game that blended in with games such as Street Fighter but rose because of all the blood, I guess. Anyways, Mortal Kombat is now out and bloodier than ever.
Mortal Kombat's official website - ( http://www.themortalkombat.com )
Another DLC? The biggest selling game of all time has another DLC coming. Call Of Duty: Black Ops has announced a new trailer for the upcoming DLC titled "ESCALATION" How about escalation... of our wallets!!
Black Ops Escalation DLC trailer - ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfANHKwhCEE&feature=feedu )
Don't forget the EPIC GAMING STUFF!
AWESOME Mortal Kombat Web Series! I myself watch this web series and I love it! It's got JERI RYAN in it! Who can complain!
MK Web Series - ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s6UiEuCYXA&feature=fvwkrel )
Keep it in your pants and the controller in your hands! :)
This is Naven helping you helping me helping you...
This segment is all about video games! I'll be doing this once or twice a week for now because I'm still starting but I'll work up as WE progress through.
First things up, GAMING NEWS!
The PSP GO is now GOne! Sony has officially declared that they have stopped the production of the PSP GO due to it's, shall we say, unsuccessful venture into the "Gadget Kingdom", if you will. When it was released, the PSP GO was at a pricey $250 dollars! It was released on October 1, 2009 and only lived for about a year and a half.
PSP GO - GOne!? - ( http://kotaku.com/#!5793411/is-the-pspgo-out-of-production )
Portal 2! The long-awaited sequel to the very first Portal game released by Valve is now out and it is currently facing a lot of HATE. That's just makes me sad. I think portal 2 is great. The humor is amazing and it gives you that mind-bending, puzzle solving game that it used to but way better! Plus CO-op! Along with stellar voice-acting and script writting. Portal 2 is now out for $50, specifically, on steam.
Portal 2's official website - ( http://www.thinkwithportals.com )
The hate on Portal 2 - ( http://blog.machinima.com/insidegaming/2011/04/19/some-sippin-portal-2-haterade/ )
FATALITY! Mortal Kombat is out and it brings that bloody fighting mechanics and characters to our consoles. Mortal Kombat is that old fighting game that blended in with games such as Street Fighter but rose because of all the blood, I guess. Anyways, Mortal Kombat is now out and bloodier than ever.
Mortal Kombat's official website - ( http://www.themortalkombat.com )
Another DLC? The biggest selling game of all time has another DLC coming. Call Of Duty: Black Ops has announced a new trailer for the upcoming DLC titled "ESCALATION" How about escalation... of our wallets!!
Black Ops Escalation DLC trailer - ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfANHKwhCEE&feature=feedu )
Don't forget the EPIC GAMING STUFF!
AWESOME Mortal Kombat Web Series! I myself watch this web series and I love it! It's got JERI RYAN in it! Who can complain!
MK Web Series - ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s6UiEuCYXA&feature=fvwkrel )
Keep it in your pants and the controller in your hands! :)
This is Naven helping you helping me helping you...
Welcome one and all to The Hood! This is the start of my very own blog. Now, basically, my ultimate goal for this blog is to be something that youngsters all over the world such as myself would be able to enjoy as something that they are not aliens to. I want this blog to be right in our alley. As a teenager myself, I can't deny the fact that we have different mindsets compared to other people but I can say with confidence that we mix well together in the sense that we understand each other and we can definitely develop bonds that are true and freakin' awesome!
This is gonna be something that we can all enjoy. I know I'm a guy and I'll try my best to please the amazing half of society that I love the most, the ladies. Erm, I mean I would do everything to make this blog woman-friendly as well, if you will.
We are family. We think alike, we live on the same planet, we experience the same things and we are the best people to help each other in the current state of the world as we know it. We are The Hood.
That's it for the very first post I guess mates. I hope the very few people that actually see this enjoyed it and continue to join me - US in the journey that we call life. I know it's hard but c'mon, there's a good side to it, it's called The Hood.
This is gonna be something that we can all enjoy. I know I'm a guy and I'll try my best to please the amazing half of society that I love the most, the ladies. Erm, I mean I would do everything to make this blog woman-friendly as well, if you will.
We are family. We think alike, we live on the same planet, we experience the same things and we are the best people to help each other in the current state of the world as we know it. We are The Hood.
That's it for the very first post I guess mates. I hope the very few people that actually see this enjoyed it and continue to join me - US in the journey that we call life. I know it's hard but c'mon, there's a good side to it, it's called The Hood.
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