Hey mates! Good day! Life is short... We all need help... As they say, no man is an island. It may be a difficult road ahead of us but this is place that can help you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

So... How was it? - Thor

So, here we go! Let's do this! This is a new segment on my blog and It's basically a review of different stuff. It could be movies or games or whatever. So, to kick things off I'll be stating my thoughts, opinions and crazy antics about the movie Thor. 

As a kid, I was a fan of superheroes and hammers... Er, Thunderous Shiny Hammers of Doom that is. I wasn't much of a comic book guy because comic books weren't really available to me but I still do have a fair share of heroes with superpowers who beat the evil guy and destroy stuff in the process. 

Thor was a pretty cool movie to be honest. Although not completely original it still played out well for me. It is a good versus evil type of film but the evil part is something a little new. If you know about mythology you would know that Loki, Thor's brother, well... sort of, is not the type of villain in the movies and stories that we all love and remember. I don't really think anyone would go "Kick his ass Thor!". He resembles a villain, the bad guy, in a more personal and sympathetic manner. We can't really just go out there and want him gone. He gets to play around with us and how we think of him. I found that to be a very compound and cool part of the film. 

Personally, I don't rate films on how good or bad they are, if that makes any sense. I rate a film on how it struck me and how I perceived it or sort of wanted it to be. Thor has a mix of humor, action and adventure in it just like probably 60% of the movies in past 10 or so years. Even though it's a good versus evil flick it showed... uniqueness. I think it took the story and mythology of Thor and made it a very appealing and modern story especially for the viewers of today. 

I thought the sounds and visuals were great, although I may be biased especially since I watched that movie in 3D and I really need to let this out. Since it was 3D, the movie had a certain scene that scarred me for life. When it was at this part of the movie: 

I cringed. Because his nipples were just plain and blatantly talking smack to me. It was a very hard time for me. Those few moments almost destroyed me. But with the aid of Popcorn and some nice Tea, I managed to hold it together and pull through the rest of the movie. 

Oh, what's that? You're thanking me? For what? Oh, because I showed you a picture of shirtless muscularity? Well, you're welcome ladies! 

Wait, what? Guys? You're complaining because I gave the ladies some eye-candy? Okay... okay... Gimme a sec... 

Okay! There's Natalie Portman! She was in the movie... right? 

Anyway, all jokes aside. Thor was fun and it had a lot of eye-candy. Overall, it's a very fun movie and definitely something that you would want to watch if you were out with a bunch friends on a cool Friday night or with your family after Church on Sundays. But if you're looking for a deep, indulging and challenging experience, you shouldn't have your hopes too high or else, you'll crash... and burn.

On the Record

Thor was...
- Fun but light-hearted
- Great Eye and Ear candy
- Enjoyable but not Hardcore

Overall, it was a pretty good film and since I had a great time with it, I am gonna give it an 8/10 just because of Chris Hemsworth's nipples and Kat Dennings. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brink - It's out and about!

Get ready for some Parkour and gun murder in the new game Brink! I don't really know how to elaborate on this at the moment but expect some more of Brink in the near future. All I can say for now is that Brink is gonna be new, it's gonna be fresh and it will not hurt to try it out!





Saturday, May 7, 2011

Game On! - New Xbox console? and Mass Effect 3 delayed :(


May 7, 2011

Xbox 720? New console! There are rumors about a new and upcoming Xbox. Develop Magazine stated that EA already has a prototype version of the new console and we have a chance to see it in 2012 or 2013. 

Not much info yet on this story but just the possibility of a better and more beastly Xbox just makes everybody happy in and out of the pants.

Mass Effect 3 has been delayed into 2012! I know, I know. Delay anything not just Mass Effect! It has been confirmed that Mass Effect 3 has been delayed into the next year but there is still a possibility that it'll be on E3. 

2012 really seems to be a long time especially since Mass Effect 3 could have more of Miranda. 

Or maybe a new Miranda? Anything is possible as long as the controller is in your hands! 


Hunted - Forging a World Trailer 

Brink - Get SMART Battlefield Trailer

Rage - The Shrouded Gameplay Trailer


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On the down low! - Osama Bin Laden Dead and The True Heroes

Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead - Osama Bin Laden, one of the if not the most powerful terrorist leader of all time has been confirmed dead. Osama was killed in his residential compound in Pakistan by the United States Navy SEALs along with CIA paramilitary forces. May 1 was a huge day for world history. The largest terrorist leader of our generation was killed.

Of course, this does not mean the end of terrorism, not by a long shot. I've always thought that Bin Laden was a smart ruler, not through good ways but a smart ruler indeed. While under his command, Al Qaeda grew in number and in strength and in a way, I fear that his death may start a riot. He kept his forces calm and obedient but now without anyone to keep them on their toes I fear that the worse is still to come. In a way, Osama held off all-out war and conserved what they had but now I fear that the recent events may lead to something devastating. His forces could be raging right at this very moment. They're disoriented and only have one thing in mind, to strike back. Nobody is gonna stop them now and I think such a huge blow to their stature like that had given them a sense that they have nothing to live for and they are more fearless than ever and there is no doubt in their hearts that they will draw blood... somehow.

I know this is a very historic day and I thank and honor the people that serve their country, the military forces. A lot of credit goes to the political leaders and military commanders but I give the credit and the honor o the actual soldiers that were in Pakistan fighting for their lives in great danger and peril in the battlefield but still maintaining composure and coolness in the fight while accomplishing their objective and leaving Pakistan a success. 

These are the people who risk their all every day while the people at home stroll through huge supermarket halls, never starving and never tired, while those people give their all in the name of their country. They are the heroes. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

On the down low! - Gadhafi's son dead and Royal Wedding = Stupid hats?

Sunday! May Uno of 2011 and this is... What's on the down low! 

Gadhafi's son dead - Libyan officials have confirmed that Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Arab Gadhafi, has been killed in a NATO missile strike in Tripoli, Libya. NATO's attack was actually at Gadhafi family compound in a residential area in Tripoli, Libya. Moammar's son and three of his grandchildren was killed in the missile strike. 

Nato Strike kills Gadhafi's son - ( http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ml_libya )

Royal Wedding = Stupid Hats? - April 29, 2011... The Royal wedding... Kate and William got married and the world was cheering them on. Okay, we've all seen this in the movies and in the cartoons and it just makes me laugh so hard to actually experience this. Really? I know it's a formal event and everything and you need to look nice and unique but this is just ridiculous! I mean c'mon really!? Sweet mother of jonah! It looks so awkward and... Geez... I think the picture itself speaks for it anyways... 

Royal wedding fashion mishaps - ( http://royalwedding.yahoo.com/blogs/beatrice-and-eugenie-arrive-at-royal-wedding-7858 )